Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vastu for Weddings

Wedding has been an important occasion for one's life. When a couple gets married, a new life begins as they take on a new course in life with a whole new experience. However one need to understand that getting married is easy. However, maintaining a marriage life is another factor that must be taken seriously.

How Vastu affects one's life?

There are various energies around us that affects us. Though we cant see them, we can only experience the effects of these energies. For example, wind is a form of energy, we can feel like, but cant see it. Same goes to Vastu.

Vastu is all about tapping these energies around us and maximizing its usage to promote our well being. These energies are the cosmic (Pranic) energy from the Northeast, Solar energy from the East and the North-South (Jaivic) Magnetic Energy poles.

We respond to these energies through our energy centers call Chakras. That's why we are able to sense whether the house has a high or low energy level. We can also sense a persons energy level with our chakras. Animals can sense our energy level. If it is low, they will attack, if it is high, they will stay away.

So, if we live in a Vastu positive house, we will be charged these natural energies. Therefore our well being can be improved regardless of religion, race or beliefs.

Geographical factors to consider when buying a house:

First, consider buying a house which faces along the Cardinal direction which are North, South, East or West. Consider an East or North facing house. South or West facing houses are also good provided they follow specific vastu guidelines.

Next, avoid houses which are along a slope. Houses along a slope are not wrong provided the slope is towards North or East only. If there is a water source, make sure it is only located at the North or East direction. If it is a river, the river flow must flow towards North or East only. Avoid buying a houses which has many cut offs and extensions. An ideal vastu house must have only 4 corners.

If a married couple have already own a house or staying with a family, then they have to locate the directions correctly and reside in the correct rooms respectively.

There are some important guidelines, if followed can provide good results.

Newly married couples must utilize Southwest room in a house. Avoid Northeast and Southeast bedroom. West and South rooms can be used as a last resort. Couples who desire progeny can use bedrooms along the Northwest zones. The women may use the Northeast or East room during her pregnancy. Even after delivering the child, she may also use these room for recovery.

Vastu pays a significant importance to the Northeast Zone of a house. This room is ideal only for praying and meditation purpose as these zone is the gateway entrance for the auspicious Pranic energy into the house. This room can also be used for anyone who are ill and seeking a sooner recovery.

Ideal design of a bedroom according to Vastu:

Let the bed be along the Southern wall. Sleep towards south. Have cupboards only along the South or West walls in the room. Mirrors / Dressing table are to be located along the North or East walls. Have the walls or the room painted pink or Brown. It must not be dark colors or else the room will look small. Avoid windows along South or West walls. If there is, make sure it is placed more towards North or East side. On top of that, rooms must only have 4 corners as the energies circulating the room is better.

When sleeping, one should never have the mirror facing the bed on the opposite direction. Having it beside the bed is fine. However, if one is uncomfortable with the mirror facing the bed, hang a cloth over it during bedtime. Avoid bed facing opposite the room door as it degrades the health of the individual. If there is a door towards the side of the bed, make sure a night table is placed between the door and the bed. Never have two mattress joined to make a single bed. This causes separation of the couples. They may have constant disagreement and difference of opinions.

Avoid floor colors which are blue, black, grey or red. Consider beige, light brown, yellow colors. If the house has cement flooring, consider purchasing a linoleum.
Avoid television in a room, it generates radiation and the heat of it may affect the sleep. If there is a study table, on work facing East or North. The married couple may consider hanging the wedding pictures only along North or East walls. A picture of a rose hung along the North or East wall is auspicious too. The floor level can be the same as the other floor level. Having it higher is auspicious. Never have Southwest room floor level lower than the other rooms. It leads to various difficulties.

Nowadays, the divorce rates is increasing rapidly. Over 80% are due to a vastu defect house. Practical changes can be done and heal a broken marriage.

For example, conflicts and differences of opinions arises when Southwest of a plot is lowered, there is a water source like septic tank. Having the Southwest corner of the plot or the house chopped off is bad too. This too can lead to many difficulties financially and it may affect the stability of the family.

Avoid having bathrooms and kitchens along the Southwest zone, as bathrooms are generally lowered and it leads to the problems listed above. A kitchen along this zone leads to constant quarrelsome.

Having North Northwest Main gate and Main door may lead to divorce cases. Couples using Southeast bedroom may lead to conflicts. Couples may even lose interest in sex if they reside in a Southeast or Northeast bedroom, having less space along the Eastern zone of a plot.

These few simple tips can improve any marriage and heal broken marriages. Utilize these principles and reap the benefits of vastu.

Kairesh Jeevant
Vastu Expert